Buying a house in Colombia, a great Opportunity for Residents Abroad


Colombia is one of the most attractive countries due to its climate, culture, biodiversity and now, the profitability of investing in a country where currency exchange facilitates the acquisition of properties for residents abroad.

Nearly 5 million Colombians are currently living abroad and according to a study by the Colexret platform in 2020, 95% of Colombians are still interested in either buying a house in Colombia, building on the land they already have or remodel the house they already own.

It is also important to consider those Colombians who want to help and fulfill the dream of their families in Colombia and work abroad to gather money to help their families living in Colombia. This is usually known as remittances, which in the last two years have had historical behavior and have exceeded the level of $10 billion in 2022. This is also an important reason why colombians abroad take interest in buying a house in their country of origin.

Has the interest in investing in Colombia increased abroad?

Yes, according to data from our web site, we have identified that search sources from abroad have been increasing in recent years. For example, in 2022, 16% more visits were made from abroad than in 2019 and 21% more than in 2020.

In fact, we have reviewed which countries visit our site the most and we have identified that the United States receives more than half of the number of visits made by foreign countries worldwide in 2022.

Here are the top 10 countries that demonstrate the most interest:

  • United States.
  • Spain.
  • Ireland.
  • Canada.
  • Sweden.
  • Mexico.
  • Chile.
  • Venezuela
  • France.
  • United Kingdom.

Of course, a great interest in properties in Colombia is concentrated in the United States due to the large number of Colombians and Latinos who reside there. In addition, the increase in the exchange rate of the dollar against the Colombian peso has opened many doors to real estate investment. The states in the North American country that show the most interest are: Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, New York and Oregon.

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Take advantage of currency exchange and value your investment

One of the opportunities that is being generated with the current market situation in Colombia is the possibility of investing in real estate and generating a return that will improve the life quality in the future. Purchasing a house is ideal because your property will generate an appreciation that will increase over the years and you will always have a space of your own to return to the country.

In addition to this, if you rent your property, and receive a fixed value monthly to cover the payment of its value or to help your family. Remember that investing in a house in Colombia can be 30% to 50% cheaper than buying a house in the United States, depending on the area of your interest.

For these reasons, the current situation is a good time to make an investment in the country. You can make a budget, examine your acquisition capacity and take advantage of market prices. Thinking about this, Fincaraiz has decided to facilitate this process and bring you as close as possible to owning a place in Colombia.

Fincaraíz Miami Expo, buying a new home in Colombia has never been easier

With the purpose of bringing the country’s supply closer to many Colombians and foreign residents in the United States, Fincaraíz presents its first international event with over 350 available projects from the most important builders in the country.

This event will take place on March 4th and 5th, 2023 at the Hilton Garden Inn Dolphin Mall in Miami, Florida. It will be a 360 format fair where you can find everything you need to choose the home you want to invest in..

You will have support from Unión Andina to find the home you yearn for, choose the best financing plan, resolve your doubts regarding documentation and fulfill the dream that you have so desired. This event will be access free, so you can visit it with all your family, and we will provide you with a free parking space so that you can take all the time you need.

🏠 Be the first to know about ExpoFincaraíz! Schedule here 👇

We are waiting for you! 🏠

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Cristian Herrera

Cristian Herrera

Comunicador social y periodista apasionado por las letras, el análisis y el periodismo de datos. Amante del arte de contar historias, la música y la literatura.

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